On 22 Jan 01, at 9:48, Kevin Parris wrote:

>   But I don't want to set the list "closed" since there may
> be some turnover and I'm hoping to move them toward end-user subscribe
> activity for that in the future.  But I'm currently avoiding "open,
> confirm" as a spammer defense tactic.

Do you expect all the subscribed email addresses to be from within
your organization? If that is the case, then you can use open,confirm
and use Service=Local and Local=yourdomain to prevent subscriptions
from outside your domain. You can also use Notify=Yes so that you are
notified when someone subscribes; if this is a rare occurrence, it
shouldn't be too difficult to check on the address and delete it if
it's a potential spammer. There is also Default-Options=REVIEW to
prevent new arrivals from posting till they've been approved.
