I wrote:

> > (...) There ought to be a SET command at the
> > tail of the log when this happens, and it ought to crash the server
> > whenever issued. Perhaps the list in question is corrupted.

Steve Price replied:

> I'm a little confused by one of your remarks above.  There is a
> known sequence that is supposed to (read by design) crash the server?
> Wouldn't that be considered a Bad Thing (tm)?

There is a LISTSERV command called "SET" and the traceback
indicates that the crash occurred while a "SET" command was
running. Your listserv.log file should contain a record of this
command, you should also have xxx.jobh files in your spool
directory containing "SET" commands (unless they came from
the web interface). Given what I saw in the traceback, I think
that a particular "SET" command has the property of always
crashing your server and I further think (with lower certitude)
that this crash is due to a corrupted file. Step 1 is to locate the
command and confirm that it crashes the server. You can then
inspect the list in question for anomalies, eg corrupted file
