Hello all. I´d liked to change renewal  listserv´s messages . I 
want to put in mail messages :

To confirm the execution of your command, simply point your browser to
the following URL: http://

instead of end users have to do a reply with OK (in renewal command)

         How must I change .mailtpl??  (I have a Spanish.mailtpl instead of 
Thank you and regards,

Mercedes Giménez Barrio                     e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Unidad Técnica de Comunicaciones     Phone: +34  91  397 51 53
Tecnologías de la Información               Fax : +34  91  397 39 14
Facultad de Económicas, E-VI-110        http://www.utc.uam.es/
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Crta. de Colmenar, Km. 15                  E-28049 Cantoblanco.España