At 06:21 PM 3/12/01 EST, you wrote:
>   1.  Is anybody reporting problems with aol. I am getting some messages but
>not others. Listserve is fine, aol said the problem is not from them. I don't
>know where to start troubleshooting.
>   2. What does this error mean
>>>         Error-Code: 0
>>>Error-Text: Mailer said:
>  >>          "554 Your message has been returned by our UCE/spam filter.
>>>Error-End:  One error reported.

Look in the subscriber list for the one that uses the ISP
The ISP has a spam filter and the subscriber will have to tell their ISP to
allow listserv list mail. Your personal mail to the subscriber will go
through. Allow a few days for the error messages to go away...and if they
don't, delete the subscriber.

The spam filters I have encountered don't like the addressing scheme the
listserv uses and short of the subscriber using a free mail account
somewhere else and if they don't make arrangements with their ISP...delete

John Cottingham
co-owner Parkinsn