At 14:41 03/14/2001 Wednesday, Winship wrote:

 >I was going to suggest something of the sort as I've used the technique
 >before.  So, I'll observe that no one, that I recall, advised NOPOST,
 >as in  QUIET SET listname NOPOST for *@*   or whatever.
 >People advised NOMAIL and DELETE but I don't recall seeing NOPOST.
 >I would have have set nopost and nomail fist thing, then try to sort it
 >out.  Of course, NOPOST will bounce all those items right back to them,
 >but maybe they'll get the message there is something wrong.

Though your answer might work in some circumstances, unfortuately the
mail is not being tagged with a FROM: line of userids@*.RR.COM.  Instead
it appears that the mail is coming from the original non-RR.COM
poster(s).  This is VERY broken.
