At 15:00 03/28/2001 Wednesday, j newton wrote:
 >The "twice through the list server" thing works very well for me on my list,
 >but once someone has been detected as a bouncer, is there any way for me to
 >tell the list server to stop distributing post from them? I am currently
 >deleting the subscriber the instant I see the first bounce (with 2000
 >members, I can't afford to be nice about it) but I still see round after
 >round of bounces come through from the same person.

Since the problem seems to be exhibited not by the poster, but by the
receiver's email system, who effectively "spoofs" the poster's address,
if I wanted to be ruthless, I'd have my list "boycott" broken sites by
using list defintion keyword

* FILTER= ALSO,*@*bounce.domain

If I was feeling adventuresome, I'd allow userids@*bounce.domain to be
subscribed (by owner), yet either in DIGEST, INDEX, or NOMAIL mail
(useful for the WEB interface).

/Pete Weiss @ Penn State