On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Ahern Ikeda, Shannon wrote:

Hmm, ok, you want these people to be able to post, but not read anything,
ever: not the items when they are distributed nor from the arrchives.

Um, set Ack= Yes (so the nonreaders will know their items have been
distributed, needn't change the Default-option as that applies only to
subscribers) and set Send= Public . That might do it without changing
anything else.  Sort of an odd setup, and does leave you open to spam, but
would work (to minimize spam use Conceal= Yes which will 'hide' your
entire list, a diferent conceal from the conceal for hiding a
subscription, which can't be done where the listowner is concerned). A
more secure way might be Send= editor Editor= youraddress,(listname) but
there all the items from the nonsubscribers will be routed to you for
approval.  Douglas

> Sorry. And yes, you have stated exactly the behaviour I seek.
> I want multiple posters to be able to post freely, but have zero access to
> the archive. Then there are five or six people who need to be able to post
> and read the archive at will.
> Subscription= By_owner
> Ack= No
> Confidential= Yes
> Validate= Yes,Confirm
> Reply-to= List,Ignore
> Review= Owners
> Send= Private
> Errors-To= Owner
> Owner= [log in to unmask]
> Notebook= Yes,c:\archives,Monthly,Private