> I've checked the listowner's manual and don't see anything on this topic--is
> there a command I can send that will tell me how many people have
> unsubscribed(or subscribed, for that matter) to a specific list over a
> specific time period? For example, can I find out how many people
> unsubscribed from list XXX between March 1 and March 8?

I don't, offhand recall anything that will fit your bill as listowner.
You can check your subscriber numbers every day with a
REV listname SHORT NOH  command.  And with the Notify= keyword you can
be informed whenever someone subs or unsubs.  Oh, and I think there is
that new thing (well maybe not that new, couple of years?, never used it,
don't remembre) change-log=  which woun't issue reports, but you can go
an look at it, if you have it set.  Douglas