My list is Send= Public (we've chosen that deliberately). That
means we have to accept that we get a fair deal of spam
messages, and our filter list is quite impressive by now :-) But
given that listserv boasts of having a spam filter, how is it possible
that a sender like [log in to unmask] can get through.  I mean, there
is no .bft domain. Other examples of faked top domains that have
appeared on the list are .MOC, .HJ, .JFDIJ. Wouldn't it be possible
to install a filter that would detect non-existing top-level domains
and trash those messages before they reach the list? It would help
the listowners a lot.

A more efficient solution would probably be to filter the true sender
of the post, i.e. the originator's ip, but I guess that has to be done
on the server level?

Helge Niska
[log in to unmask]

[log in to unmask], Tolk- och översättarinstitutet / Institute for Interpretation and Translation studies, Stockholms universitet, S-106 91 Stockholm. Tel. +468162000. Fax +468161396. Home phone & fax +46854067243. <>