
Thank you for your input. But I don't like the extra job of approving
postings from non-subscribers -- which in most cases is mail from
subscribers using an alternate address, so they are actually
subscribers after all -- I tried that for a couple of weeks, but it
meant sitting and approving messages all day. In an average of
between 250 and 350 messages per day a lot were from non-listed
addresses. And I want less job, not more :-)
Is it really such a stupid idea if Listserv had a default function
where only existing top level domains were allowed to post to lists.
When it's possible to ban attachments, why not nonexisting top
domains? I wish someone would explain.

[log in to unmask], Tolk- och översättarinstitutet / Institute for Interpretation and Translation studies, Stockholms universitet, S-106 91 Stockholm. Tel. +468162000. Fax +468161396. Home phone & fax +46854067243. <http://lisa.tolk.su.se/defhelge.html>