At 13:31 04/03/2001 Tuesday, TheGolem wrote:
 >I set my LISTS to use topics and I notice that when someone, including me,
 >forgets to indicate a topic, instead of posting as:
 >Subject : OTHER: XXXXXX
 >it simply posts as if there no topic. Now, if I turn OTHER off with a set
 >command for everyone will those posts with mispelled topics or no topics
 >just not be posted? It may be better not to do that if participants
 >continually forget to label? Of course the advantage of the other topics
 >will be to segment and filter what folks don't want. So, I suppose another
 >set command could be to set (list) TOPICS: -OTHER ??

Yes.  The purpose of filtering OTHER is to make sure that the correct
topic is used.  The selection and use of TOPICS is a social contract of
sorts.  Needless to say, all topics are still sent to folks in DIGEST and
INDEX mode, and are stored in the archives (assuming they exist).

Of course YMMV -- what might be "good" or "necessary" on one list's
operation, might be the Vulcan Death Grip on another.
