My mistake. I should go back to the manual. It appears that only 14 topics
can be turned on at one time (plus OTHER). That must be mentioned in the
manual? Anyway, when I eliminated one of them, all the boxes were then


 On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, TheGolem wrote:

> Using VIEW for opinions doesn't seem to work as a valid topic title. When
> I set it up that way and then check the web interface which a majority of
> my subscribers would use to subscribe I see VIEW listed but that box is
> not checked, whereas all 20 or so of the other topics are. When I attempt
> to override with Default-Topics= ALL,+VIEW,-OTHER
> it still is not unchecked. Is this just one of those words we cannot use
> as a valid topic name?
>  It is listed under TOPICS= VIEW, ......
> Hank