On Thu, 12 Apr 2001 16:32:06 -0400, Glenn Darwin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I'm also getting complaints from AOL users.  After talking to AOL at this number
>I was told mail coming from my listserv at listserv.corvettemuseum.com is
>hitting the bit bucket because:
>- Mail is originating at a pop3 user account, dialup. (They consider this spam)

Your server IP is not in any listing of dialup IP ranges.

>- Mail has too many BCC's in it. (again spam)

Mail generated by LISTSERV has no BCCs at all.

>- PTR was not working, but mysterioly started working while I was talking to
>them.  This was set up before the server was set up months ago....

Actually you have 2 PTR records which is unusual.  Usually only 1.

>- Mail left listserv.corvettemuseum.com and was routed through another server
>before it arrived at AOL.

Your server is not registerd to participate in the worldwide LISTSERV backbone.
Your server mails directly to AOL.

>They did not resolve my problem.  They wanted to look at it and will call me
>back tomorrow.

don't hold your breath...