Hi there,

Apologies everyone for the slightly off-topic message, but does anyone
have any contacts regarding listserv.aol.com? About 36 hours ago, the
LISTSERV process appears to have stopped on that machine. You can't
traceroute to or ping the machine normally - AOL's firewalls block the
attempts. However, as the web server on it is still running, you can see
that the machine is still responding to some input; however, anything on
the web interface that executes wa gives the error "Error - unable to
initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=238). The server is probably
not started."

If anyone has an expected time to repair that would reassure some
friends of mine who are list owners on that box.

Meanwhile, if anyone knows of the right people at AOL, or feels this is
worthy of posting to LSTSRV-L, please take the appropriate measures.

Many thanks,

David Wood
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