On Sun, 27 May 2001, Russ Hunt wrote:
> How many people "read all those messages to check for flames"?

Well, I don't worry about flames that much (a lot of people on
my lists don't know what real flames, let alone an all out flame
war, is) but you bet I read every posting for each list, either in
advance, as editor, or after the fact for those cleared for direct

My lists don't have moderators, they have listowners, two per list, and
the listowners do not change.  The listowners *are* responsible, to a
greater or less degree, depending) for everything distributed on the list.
I generally have the greater reponsibility as I am generally the one
listed as editor (all my lists are semi-moderated). I spent most of the
latter part of the week before last settling a copyright dispute brought
on by a subscriber (cleared for direct posting) who improperly lifted and
posted to the list an item from a commercial e-newsletter (I just love
spending my money on long-distance calls to publishers and attorneys).

You're durn right I read every single posting for each of my lists.
