It is just the Badtrans virus.  It means that your users have
unread emails in their inbox which are being autoreplied to by
the virus.  It truncates the original and adds "Take a look TO
(sic) the attachment."

You can read about it at
[log in to unmask]

I notify each of my members as soon as I get one.  It HAS been a
problem this week!

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 5/12/01 at Paul Karagianis wrote:

::Just an FYI, over the last 5 or 6 days I've gotten a few
bursts of
::bouncemail, typically old digests sent to Listserv from
various sites.
::I haven't noticed a pattern in the recipients (it's only just
begun to
::dawn on me that there's something odd going on), but the
::feature is that the digests are cut off, ending with a single
::> Take a look to the attachment.
::I'm wondering if there's another trojan going around that
::the contents of a victims notebook (or how you say, PC boy,
the "mail
::folder"?).  In the worst case I've receieved a burst of 80+
::starting back in February.
::                                                   -Kary

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there
is no path and leave a trail." - Muriel Strode