> What I want to do is write two functions. The first function returns the
> number of subscriptions in a given list. To do this, I figured I would
> issue Listserv a "query listname for *@*" command and "grep -c \@"  the
> results to derive the number of subscriptions on the list in question, or
> something along those lines.
> The other function, I want to write, mainly out of curiosity, returns a
> list of subscribers to a particular list and each subscriber's options. I
> want this information returned in a set of arrays. This function is a bit
> ambitious, but it would let me generate some reports that management here
> might go ga ga over such as the number of lists, average subscriptions per
> list, number of subscriptions set to nomail, and so on.
> I figure with these two functions, I can generate a very nice report
> on our Listserv's subscription status at any one time.

Check out the ***GUI*** option for QUERY in the Developer's Guide.
It makes the reponses easier to parse.

> When I get that done, I plan to work on a PERL script that parses our
> Listserv log file to report on actual Listserv traffic for a given day.
> For now, I am just looking to improve our subscription activity reports.
> Has anyone done this?

Yes, we have some Perl scrpts that report on LISTSERV activity based on
the logs.  We have not done the subscriber reporting.