I am wondering if anyone has encountered this problem before. I
just upgrade my Linux to Slackware 7.1+ with Kernel 2.2.19 and
GLIBC2.2.2. Of course the listserv software didn't work at first, but
after I ran "make update" all of the list routines were recompiled and
worked fine. There was one exception though. "wa" is not a part of
the source that can be recompiled, and that seems to be causing me
a problem I think.

   Any attempts to do anything from the wa web interface generates
errors about templates not found.  Example:

Error - template A1-DEF not found
A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the A1-DEF template could not be found.
Error - template OPEN-ERROR not found
A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the OPEN-ERROR template could not be

   Any suggestions sure would be appreciated.

                        Thanks a lot ... Steve