There's probably some technical way to do this, but since I presume
_someone_ is going to have to deal with all those misdirected unsub
messages, why not just set up a mail filter to send them to a folder
and then batch-process them?

                                  -- Russ

> 3.  If I send the message out to the list, will all of the
> responses as in 1 and 2 above come to my personal mailbox?  If so,
> how do I send a message from the "list" and not me?

Russell A. Hunt            __|~_)_ __)_|~_    Professor of English
St. Thomas University      )_ __)_|_)__ __)  PHONE: (506) 452-0424
Fredericton, New Brunswick   |  )____) |       FAX: (506) 450-9615
E3B 5G3   CANADA          ___|____|____|____/    [log in to unmask]
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