On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Randy Ryan wrote:
> You are on overly nice guy! :)

Oh, no, I am nothing of the sort (ask some subscibers), I am simply
insuring, after years of fruitless argument, pleading, begging, that the
rata her mild list rules will be followed. If you follow the rules, and a
good many do, you get to post directly.  If you don't you are subject to
editing by me (and I can edit anything, including the header, and insert
comments pertaining to poor observance of the rules, while preseving the
original From: field).  This list *will* be clean, clear of excessive,
pointless, lazy quoting, unsiginged postings etc.  If you don't do it
properly to start with I *will* edit and you may wish I hadn't.
Nothing "nice guy" about it.

> >For my largest list, 3600+, those who quote excessively (and those who do
> >not include email address in sig) never get off REVIEW. I have the
> >facility to edit and have the item still be distributed as being from the
> >original poster, so that is what I do.

  Douglas  [log in to unmask]