Thanks to the list for all the help.  To Douglas for reminding me to
HOLD the list while the operation was in process, and to everybody
who suggested alternate mail programs.  I wound up downloading and
installing PCPine, which took the file without complaining.

Ben said, among other useful things,

> - Mail programs that do work, though you may need to become
> familiar with their features: MS Internet Mail, Netscape Mail,
> Agent.

In fact, though, Netscape doesn't.  At least Netscape 4.7's mail
utility doesn't.  When I tried to paste 227K into the message slot,
it just froze.

In the event, the entire process took about three minutes . . .

                                  -- Russ
Russell A. Hunt            __|~_)_ __)_|~_    Professor of English
St. Thomas University      )_ __)_|_)__ __)  PHONE: (506) 452-0424
Fredericton, New Brunswick   |  )____) |       FAX: (506) 450-9615
E3B 5G3   CANADA          ___|____|____|____/    [log in to unmask]
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