On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Kevin Parris wrote:
> I am very interested in further comments on how a bot might
> gain access to the content of a private notebook, since you
> are not fully confident that this designation will keep them
> entirely out.  Not that I want bots getting in, but rather
> because I want to take other steps to improve the privacy of
> the lists we host, if possible.

I think Pete Weiss answered it most wisely. If you think you can
outsmart an address-collecting bot (aka the "public", or even a
list subscriber), then think again. Not allowing REVIEW of
subscribers is a partial fix, but if you keep archives
accessible to the subscribers (or public), then those who post
to the list are vulnerable (even if you don't keep a NOTEBOOK, a
subscriber (bot) can accumulate email addresses as postings are
sent to the subscribers). You could "edit/moderate" the list,
delete authors' addresses, and have the list's editor/moderator
post in behalf of the now-anonymous authors, but that's getting
really esoteric and non-functional insofar as providing a
_practical_ method of thwarting address-bots, except perhaps in
very limited applications.

Peter R