On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Michael S. Johnson wrote:
> So your approach is to manually clean up after Hotmail users, rather than
> advising either the subscriber or Hotmail that something is amiss and have
> them fix it?  I'd like to think that there is a way to fix either Hotmail
> or my list configuration to handle this in an automated fashion.  I'd like
> a way to avoid additional manual intervention.

Well, I only get one of them a week at most, usally its one every two or
three weeks.  The subscriber likely can't prevent it, and I'm not inclined
to argue with hotmail once a month or so, particularly as I've never
gotten anywhere arguing with such folk about anything, other than being
ignored.  And I always have to clean up someone's inverted name or
"DIGEST Jane Doe" or something anyway so it is really a minor irritant
to me.    Douglas