I don't usually quote at length, but . . .
On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Tom Trimble wrote:
>          The strategy that I use (having a website available for the
> purpose) is to *block *all* attachments*. {also nomime nohtml, thus text
> only} When a suitable object arises, I contact the provider and post it to
> the website in a downloadable form. This way there is full control. I
> receive the file directly, it is automatically scanned for viruses/worms,
> and I can maintain it in a continuously available manner, and it can be
> downloaded by those who wish it confidently, and those who do not wish it
> are not troubled by it.

Does this remind anyone of something?  Perhaps filelists, AFD/FUI?  Yes, I
know, I said I wouldn't mention it again but I'm weak and, as the only
listowner at Buffalo who maintains an even half active filelist (catalog
these days), I succumb to temptation on occaision.  So, how 'bout it?
FUI/AFD for UNIX?  Packages? I still have subscribers who ask for them
(obviously fossils).  Douglas