On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 15:15:44 -0500 Cele Bruce said:
>I've run into the following situation.
>We only want folks that are subscribed to (CD) be able to send to the
>list.  The list (CD) configuration gets changed to: Send= Private.
>(Prior to this we had Send= Public). When this is set to private no one
>can send to the list (CD) because it is seeing the listnames that are
>subscribed to the list (CD) and not individual names.

You need to add the names of the sublists in your Send= keyword.
For example, if your sublists are named CDSUB1-L and CDSUB2-L the
Send= statement for the CD list will be:

Send= (CDSUB1-L),(CDSUB2-L),Private

Note the parenthesis around the sublist names.
