At 15:50 09/21/2001 Friday, Kenneth Harris wrote:
>Am I correct in believing that if TOPICS is to be enabled for a list
>already in existence, the default for all the current subscribers
>will automatically, without further configuration of the list
>header, be ALL?   That is, current subscribers will continue
>to receive all messages posted to our (moderated) list until
>they change individually their own configuration using the
>SET TOPICS command.  Put another way, if the listowner
>wants ALL to be the default value, a DEFAULT-TOPICS line
>is not necessary in the header.

It is always best to start from a *known* point and leave nothing to
chance or vagaries of LISTSERV(R) changes in default processing,
list-ownership changes (which means that TOPICS may or may not have been
used previously), etc.



[Of course TOPICS is NOT effective for INDEX, DIGEST, or NOMAIL subscribers.]

I think the value of DEFAULT-TOPICS only affects new/added subscriptions.
