>Okay, here is the deal.  Set up a new list had the ownere send the PW ADD
>command to setup a password.  48hours and no response.  Lets try it again
>same thing. Well I do a PW ADD to see if I get a response.  Get nothing.
>Then I do a PW RESET from the execute arbitrary list command.  I get a
>confirmation response.  I click on the link and get told to add a password.
>So I fire off another PW ADD and get no confirmation.  Now the beauty I
>can't login to administer the listserv's anymore.  And yes I am the list
>admin.  Any ideas clues or pointers for help?

Sounds like a job for the site administrator.  Basically I'd look in
the LISTSERV log file to see if it's getting the PW ADD commands and
if so what it's doing with them.

Jacob Haller, Technical Support
L-Soft international, Inc