Douglas is right, but having done this, there are a couple of cautions.

> You know the item, you know the date. Identify the notebook log which
> contains it (easy, you know the date of the item)  and GET that log.
> Edit
> it and PUT it back.   That's all there is to it, do it by email.
> Douglas

The file will probably be big, so you need a mailer that will handle it
clean (pine is my choice), and you need to be careful not to change the
lines of ==== between items when you edit.

                                -- Russ
Russell A. Hunt          __|~_)_ __)_|~_   Department of English
St. Thomas University    )_ __)_|_)__ __)  PHONE: (506) 452-0424
Fredericton, New Brunswick |  )____) |       FAX: (506) 450-9615
E3B 5G3   CANADA        ___|____|____|____/    [log in to unmask]
                       \                /
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~