Classic.  Note that was nice enough to respond, to provide
useful information and to remove the block.  There are other sites out
there doing the same thing who aren't as friendly.


------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:                   [log in to unmask]
To:                     "Atlantic.Net Abuse Department" <[log in to unmask]>
Date sent:              Wed, 28 Nov 2001 12:32:28 -0500
Subject:                Re: Block

On 27 Nov 2001, at 23:32, Atlantic.Net Abuse Department wrote:

>We have unblocked you server. However, your server is still being
>blacklisted on osirusoft.

Thanks very much for this additional info.  *NOTE* I checked and I can
only find a single listing for Maelstrom, and it suggests that you used
a listing inappropriately.  It appears at:

( is DNSbl listed. by 43200 IN TXT "This zone is NOT meant
to block sites. It's meant to block rbcheck and Project SETS from testing a
specific site or netblock" 43200 IN
TXT "If anyone is using in particular to
block mail, they're buffoons"

That's a quote, the terminology is theirs, not mine.

               -Kary (Maelstrom Listmaster)

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