Send= Private means only folks subscribed to the list can send to it.  Some lists accept posts from whom-so-ever sends them, but only subscribers can see/read them.

At 04:30 PM 11/30/01 -0600, Al Iverson wrote:
>In a list configuration, I thought
>Send= Private
>meant that peoples attempts to post to the list would be discarded. I
>think I'm misunderstanding that because it seems like people are able to
>post with that set. Is that correct?
>Al Iverson -- [log in to unmask] -- Minneapolis, Minnesota
>My spam-related website:
>Support Jazz in Minnesota! --
>All opinions are mine alone unless I state otherwise.

John W. Luther
Systems Administrator
Computing and Information Services
University of Missouri - Rolla

Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.