The following paragraph is a slightly modified version of the "bulk add"
instructions which I provide to our list owners. The "file" to which the
instructions refer is the file containing the list of addresses which
will be added to the list.

     If you use a Macintosh, open the file with the word processing
     program of your choice (example: Word or Word Perfect), choose
     "File/Save As" from the menu, and save the file using "DOS text
     with line breaks" format. If this is not done, the file will not
     be imported correctly.

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Wayne T. Smith <[log in to unmask]> wrote (in part):
>Anyone know of a work-around (besides updating the Mac to the new unix
>version, having a special editor, or using e-mail)?

Paul Russell
Senior System Administrator
University of Notre Dame