I run a couple of lists under Listseerv 1.8d and all is fine.  But we would like to expand the service and could really do with holding a little more information about each of our subscribers than just an email address.  For example we would like to hold their full postal address, contact telephone number and interests on a database.  I can easily set up a database and use ASP to deliver its contents to users via the web, but I just wonder whether there are any easy ways to integrate such a database with the Listserv data (name, email address and when subscribed) so that for example when a user unsubscribes (s)he the data of removal gets added as a field to the subscriber database.

Hope this makes sense.  Perhaps I'm asking the impossible, but if not I'd like to hear of any similar schemes.

Thanks in advance

Dr Peter K Robinson
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Central Lancashire
Preston,   PR1 2HE,   England
Tel +44 (0)1772 893911   Fax  +44 (0)1772 892929
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