At 13:45 03/21/2002 Thursday, Rich Greenberg wrote:
 >On: Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 12:17:14PM -0600,Phillips, Bill Wrote:
 >} I read somewhere in the Lsoft manuals that users can subscriber to a
list by
 >} sending a message to an address associated with the list:
 >} subscribe-listname@domain -- something like this.
 >Thats correct (or it may be listname-subscribe, not sure) but you need a
 >fairly recent version of Listserv to use it.  1.8d plus some fixes.


but the subscriber's FROM: field must have a firstname and lastname for
that process to work.

The alias for this fast-path subscribe must also be present, which I
don't think occurs on all platforms.
