If you are reading this thank you for your time. I am a little bit over my
head and hope someone could help me.

I have 2 servers running Win2K Advanced Server in my home. One is for MS
Exchange 2000 and the Other hosts my web sites.

I want to set up Listserv lite. I installed the software on my Web Server
so there would not be a conflict with Exchange 2000.

All the computers are on static IP's. I don't know anything about DNS
entries. PacBell hosts my DNS.

Listserv Lite seems to be up and running. I can use the web interface to
add users, and it sends out the emails.

However I cannot seem to email to the list. I get SMTP and DNS errors.

Help please. I have a feeling I am close. I just can't seem determine the
solution on my own.

I am in Los Angeles and would be willing to offer premium beer to anyone
that would like to come and fix this. Or if you know the solution I have
an (800) number and would love for someone to walk me through the steps I
am missing.

You can reach me at [log in to unmask]

Thank you for any help you can provide.
