On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, UB Listserv Administrator wrote:

> Stan,
> One thing I have noticed lately is that viruses are becoming smarter in
> distributing themselves and hiding their origin. Some of the latest will
> take two random addresses from an addressbook, and use one to send "To:"
> and one to set the "From:". And if that isn't enough, they can also grab
> any addresses saved in web browser cache and use those too. You seem to
> assume that whomever sent the virus had malicious intent, but I think the
> greater possibility is that this is occuring without the owner of the
> infected computer even knowing about it. Especially if it is an AOL user. ;)
> It would only be a matter of time before the right combination of addresses
> would come up and look exactly as you describe.

Perhaps, but on the basis of some condential information I have received
from this particular list owner, the culprit is most likely fully aware of
this activity.