One of the wonderful things about using the different types of digest.  I use
Pegasus email client with MIME digests and, with the exception of a VM
serviced Listserv, the messages are very easy to work with.  Since I do get
digest, I like getting the smaller digests that come more often rather than the
"once a day" version as I can join into a conversation while it is still fresh.
With some of the spam and "bulk mail" filtering going on (like Hotmail &
AOL) a digest is often easier to configure to get through the filters rather
than adding each poster individually.  For HTML digest, I think that
Outlook Express does a good job (and it sure looks pretty when the
template has been spiffed up) but I think that Pegasus using MIME digest
is the best.

On 23 Apr 2002, at 14:42, Wayne T. Smith wrote:

> Generally, reading a digest is a hassle (it kills threading and other nice
> functions available on popular e-mail clients), so I'd err toward a minimum
> number of digests each day.  Since, at least until very recently, some
> people have trouble with e-mail of more that 64K bytes, I've chosen 1,500
> lines for most lists ... and this typically creates a digest of less than
> 64K bytes (but not always).