
I'm writing to ask if anyone would be willing to host an RSD (Reflex
Sympathetic Dystrophy) listserv.  The actual name is RSDHelp.  There are
close to 300 (yes three hundred) members around the world who would like to
join worldwide.  RSD stands for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which is a
painful neuromuscular disease that effects the nerves and muscles throughout
the autonomic nervous system in the human body.  Topics would stay on the
topic of RSD, so to avoid unwanted junk/spam mail.  I would be helping to
moderate the list.  Nobody is making a profit here, the purpose is to share
information, and ideas, and give support all relating to RSD.

I do not usually follow these discussion groups, so if responses could be
sent to my private address:
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(yes I have RSD myself) I would appreciate it.

Thank you very much.

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