>cherished spots in my bozo bin

You now will lose the insights of a very experienced,
if irascible, listowner, and lose yourself the chuckles
in the process. [Douglas, you got a whole forest of
burrs under your saddle blanket on this one, or what?]

Premise: Parents desire to prevent teenagers from driving.

1. One parent LOCKs the car. Car is still in running
condition. Teenager can still sit in the car and even drive,
if they know where the keys are, have a slim jim, and can
even hot-wire the car. Lots of naughty activity is still possible,
because the car was only LOCKed.

2. Another parent removes the distributor cap, effectively
HOLDing the teenager down on the farm. The car cannot
run without the distributor cap, even with the keys, and it
cannot be hot wired.

If you want to stop all list activity, you HOLD.

If you want to just stop changes in the membership list,
you LOCK. List activity continues.

LOCK unequal to HOLD

This is not a simple spelling error - it is a conceptual error.
We would do you a disservice it we treated a conceptual
error as a spelling error, and ignored it, right?

Inflexibly wearing ones feelings on ones sleeve bodes
poorly for list ownership. There are thousands of ways
to miss something small and become confused. This
is a very detail-based business. We are here to help.
Those who don't care to help are not here. Winship was,
in his own very special way, trying to help you.

I've removed the soles from my shoes, so now I'm
ready for your bozo bin, too. <smile>