Rich Greenberg <[log in to unmask]> kindly replied, in part:
> On: Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 01:13:55PM -0400,Wayne T. Smith Wrote:
> } Probably a dumb questions, but ...
> } Why, when someone subscribes to a list via the web interface (subscriber's
> } corner), does LISTSERV require an additional confirmation via e-mail?  The
> } person/address is already authenticated.
> The web has no way to confirm an address.  You can sign in as anybody.

Sorry, I don't understand.  When I signon, I must enter an address and a
password.  I didn't get that password until my address was authenticated.  Not
anybody can set a password for me, and not anybody knows my password. So
my LISTSERV address and password *is* (or could be) authentication!

Once I have signed on to the web interface be it via ticket or cookie, LISTSERV
*knows* who I am and so I don't see the point of reauthentication if I'm
subscribing.  There's probably a good reason, I would just like to know what it is ...
or by implication suggest to LSoft that a more usable product would bypass e-mail
conformation in those cases.  Eric or someone has probably spoken about this in
the past, but a recent archive search didn't find it.   cheers, wayne