It is always the first owner, if there are multiple owners, that is contacted. 
Take a look at the documentation regarding specifying ownership for a list. 
This is topic # 2.9 of the List Owners manual. The 2nd paragraph spells out the "special" responsibilities of being the ("primary") owner of a list. If you are the "first" owner of the list then you are special. 
The question is "Do you feel special?"

Mitch Rerek
West Virginia University

>>> [log in to unmask] 06/27/02 2:50:17 PM >>>
If I have a list that's not Edited or Moderated, and I set a user for REVIEW
(i.e. I have to approve all their messages), and I don't have
moderators/editors listed in the configuration of my list, will I, as the
owner of the list, still be sent all their messages to be approved?

And if so, will all the owners be sent the mesasges to be approved, or will
only the first owner in the Owner= line?

Thanks, I'm a little confused about this.
