I had a modified LMGT-MAIN template in site.wwwtpl.  Deleted it and then saw the new interface, which works fine.

>At 09:48 2002/06/12 -0400, you wrote:
>>Just upgraded to 1.8e on AIX.  When I, as the maintainer, go to the list
>>management page, I can't enter a list name.  I now get the dropdown menu
>>as normal owners get.  This just shows me the first 55 lists on the server
>>and doesn't let me type in a name.
>>BE ALERT!!!!  (The world needs more lerts ...)
>>Bill Verity - 814-865-4758  Fax: 814-863-7049
>>215A Computer Building - Information Technology Services, Penn State
>>At the office - on my Mac, of course ;-)

BE ALERT!!!!  (The world needs more lerts ...)

Bill Verity - 814-865-4758  Fax: 814-863-7049
215A Computer Building - Information Technology Services, Penn State University
At the office - on my Mac, of course ;-)