Check to see if the list has a definition header of:


If so, remove that (until the posting has been distributed)


At 12:56 07/31/2002 Wednesday, Teresa Moore wrote:
 >Hi All,
 >I apologize if this topic was already discussed in the past.  I did some
 >searching and looked through the documentation, but can't find the
 >information I am looking for.  Unfortunately, we are in a crunch for time
 >on this one, because the poster wants to send out his mailing soon.  (We
 >are using LISTSERV 1.8d)
 >The subscriber wants to post a message to his list with Outlook 2000
 >(configured to address an Exchange server).  He wants to send the posting
 >in Outlook's Rich Text format.  Last time he posted to this list, it came
 >through as plain text.  I sent a rich text message from Outlook to a test
 >list, that mimics his list, and it also came through in plain text.  How
 >do I get his list to interpret the Rich Text formatted message sent by
 >Outlook, in order for the posting to be distributed with its intended
 >Thank you,
 >Teresa Moore
 >Senior Programmer/Analyst
 >University at Albany
 >State University of New York
 >(518) 437-3780
End Reply