On Tue, 09 Jul 2002 10:10:02 EDT, "Bodenstein, Bronna C. (CIT)" <[log in to unmask]>  said:

> Currently we are running LISTSERV 1.8d for Sun Solaris.
> Does anyone out there have experience with running
> SendMail 8.12.5 with our version of LISTSERV? Are we
> likely to encounter any problems with the upgrade?
> Will we need to customize anything, or will any
> LISTSERV features "break"?

The answer here depends what release of Sendmail you were running before.
If you were already on an 8.12.(0-4), you should be able to just build a
new binary with the same options, build the two new .cf files from your existing
.mc files, and go.  If you were running 8.9 through 8.11, you have some
additional work to do.

If you're using Kerry Andersen's patch for passive probe support, you'll
have to apply that and compile with -DLISTSERV.  There's been no change to
that code in ages, so any 8.12 version of the patch should work (with possibly
a warning about 2-3 lines offset).

The hole is certainly not big enough to categorize as requiring an "emergency"
upgrade - the DNS "TXT" vulnerability only applies to sites that have
*specifically* build .cf files that use it.

Definitely take your time, test, get it right. ;)

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech