Hi All,

I apologize if this topic was already discussed in the past.  I did some searching and looked through the documentation, but can't find the information I am looking for.  Unfortunately, we are in a crunch for time on this one, because the poster wants to send out his mailing soon.  (We are using LISTSERV 1.8d)

The subscriber wants to post a message to his list with Outlook 2000 (configured to address an Exchange server).  He wants to send the posting in Outlook's Rich Text format.  Last time he posted to this list, it came through as plain text.  I sent a rich text message from Outlook to a test list, that mimics his list, and it also came through in plain text.  How do I get his list to interpret the Rich Text formatted message sent by Outlook, in order for the posting to be distributed with its intended formatting?

Thank you,
Teresa Moore

Senior Programmer/Analyst
University at Albany
State University of New York
(518) 437-3780