> Date:    Fri, 9 Aug 2002 13:15:48 -0500
> From:    Michael Fay <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Running 1.8e with Postfix
> Can anyone identify what the following error means?
> <[log in to unmask]>: Command died with status 1:
>     "/export/listserv/bin/lsv_amin /export/listserv/spool listserv"

Do you get an error if you run the above command from a shell prompt?
  Or does it wait for you to pipe it some input?
Is /export/listserv/bin/lsv_amin suid to your "listserv" user?

> Is anyone out there running Listserv with Postfix?

Yes.  lists.netspace.org is run by a dedicated Postfix mail server
which employs procmail for local delivery.

I'd be interested in hearing if others have better ways to do this, but
the following works well, handily delivers passive probes (without the
patching that Sendmail needs), and does not require any modification to
the mail server configs when new lists are created.

Relevant config files:

(In the following config files, the dedicated Postfix instance is
installed into /pub/l/i/listserv/postfix, but user "listserv" does not
have any permissions to it (or to the /pub/l/i/listserv top level dir).
Comments have been deleted from the config files for brevity.)


lists.netspace.org  OK


/^(.*)@lists\.netspace\.org$/                   listserv+$1@[]
/^(.*)@\[127\.0\.0\.1\]$/!/^listserv\+/         listserv+$1@[]


queue_directory = /pub/l/i/listserv/postfix/var/spool
command_directory = /pub/l/i/listserv/postfix/usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /pub/l/i/listserv/postfix/usr/libexec
mail_owner = postfix
myhostname = lists.netspace.org
inet_interfaces = $myhostname
mydestination =  []
mynetworks_style = host
relay_domains = hash:/pub/l/i/listserv/postfix/etc/relay_domains
virtual_maps = regexp:/pub/l/i/listserv/postfix/etc/virtual_regexp
alias_maps =
alias_database =
recipient_delimiter = +
mail_spool_directory = /pub/l/i/listserv/postfix/var/mail
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
# Other configurable parameters appended to main.cf file
smtp_always_send_ehlo = yes
disable_vrfy_command = yes
smtpd_recipient_limit = 1000
default_destination_recipient_limit = 100
default_destination_concurrency_limit = 5
message_size_limit = 1024000
prepend_delivered_header = file, forward
biff = no
# default is 5 days, but we reduce to 4 to help keep queue size down
maximal_queue_lifetime = 4d



## send all owner-* email through Perl filter to split out multi-part error msgs:0
* RCPT_TO ?? ^^owner-
|/pub/l/i/listserv/bin/split_multipt_errs.pl "$RCPT_TO"

## postmaster (RFC SMTP required address)
* RCPT_TO ?? ^^postmaster^^
{ RCPT_TO=listserv-maintainer }

## LISTSERV admin emails
* RCPT_TO ?? ^^listserv-
  * RCPT_TO ?? ^^listserv-errors^^
  ! [log in to unmask]

  ## catches listserv-maintainer and any remaining listserv-* addresses
  ! [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]

## comment this rule out (temporarily) to send mail to all list owners
## (This is unnecessary in LISTSERV 1.8e which has a config param to
##  restrict all-request usage)
* RCPT_TO ?? ^^all-request^^

## send listserv, listserve, listerv, or listerve  to  'listserv'
* RCPT_TO ?? ^^lists?erve?^^
{ RCPT_TO=listserv }

## send everything else to LISTSERV via lsv_amin
## (lsv_amin uses the compiled-in spool directory when it is omitted)
|/pub/l/i/listserv/bin/lsv_amin -t "$RCPT_TO"
