> > we have  never used theweb version,
> > so we are planning the use of listserv with IIS.
> >
> Make sure you set the directory permissions correctly. Its
> best to keep
> IIS files on a separate disk volume than the Listserv files.

Something else I came across that I couldn't find in the manual:

You need to create a sub-directory called UPLOAD within your Archives
directory (or whatever you call the directory in your web root that holds
the LISTSERV files) and give the anonymous web user (typically
IUSR_MACHINENAME) *write* permissions to it.

You need this directory if people want to download attachments from the web
interface.  LISTSERV uses it as a temp area when it extracts the attachment
from the original email post before serving it over HTTP.


Michael Shannon
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"Before you can grow old and wise you must first survive being young and
stupid." - Ancient Proverb

Note: Opinions expressed on this list are my own and do not reflect the
views, opinions or position of my employer.  If swallowed, seek medical