On Mon, 05 Aug 2002 at 03:06:47PM -0400, Wheeler, Doug (NTC) wrote:
> Rex,
> Good point and generally this is true, but we are talking viruses.

It's always true. Files with a .jpg extension are not executable and
pose no viral threat regardless of content.

> "However, due to Explorer default setting a file named:
> nameoffile.jpg.vbs, will appear in Windows as nameoffile.jpg only,
> with the .vbs hidden from view. If you click on this attachment
> Windows will execute the file instead of opening the default .jpg
> viewer."

Right, but this is M$'s fault for setting Explorer to hide extensions
by default.

> Chances are the list in question will not let this in because it's
> extension is .vbs not jpg. But because Windows Explore saws jpg,
> doesn't necessarily make it so. I still maintain the best options for
> virus protection other than public flogging for perpetrators are user
> education and multi-layer Anti Virus software.

My solution is to use Linux with Mutt as a MUA; no trojan/virus/worm concerns
and without the necessity to update antivirus software.

Many (most?) listowners do not have the option to scan messages before they
are posted to a list.

I attempt to protect those who insist on using broken software by not
allowing attachments and setting a short maximum message length.
Luckily, most malware is fairly big these days. Not so in the past:
I've got a virus in my zoo of ~5000 that is less than 30 bytes long.

