Are you running under Unix or VM?
Under Unix if the list header contains the List-ID and List-Address keywords you would not see them in the drop down box. You would have to remove these keywords from the list headers. 
In addition, check to see that the list owner address for the respective lists exactly matches the address you are using to log into the web interface. 
You should also make sure that you have given the server enough time to process the list creation (crontab time). 

Mitch Rerek
Senior Information Technology Consultant
West Virginia University
[log in to unmask]

>>> [log in to unmask] 08/28/02 9:48:08 AM >>>
Support -
If one creates 3 lists and then goes to edit them but when they go to the
drop down box only one shows..why is this...out of 3 lists I can only see 1
list but when I search for the others on the server I can find them on the
server in their respected the same place as where my first
list is...the one in the drop down box.

Mike Cereceres
Information Solutions Inc.
1130 8th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203

615.400.2638 - Cell