On Tue, 03 Sep 2002 14:06:51 CDT, Amy Brundeen <[log in to unmask]>  said:

> However, I use Outlook and from what I can tell, if I insert graphics in my
> email and the receiver doesn't use Outlook, they often receive the graphics
> as an attachment.

This is Outlook-specific brain damage - it likes to mangle everything
into a ms-tnef format attachment. You'll probably notice the same thing
if you send an attachment to a non-Outlook user.  If sending it directly
*does* work, then there's something odd going on...

> So my question is will the listserv software send attachments, and will it
> change HTML messages to text or does it send email exactly as you wrote it?
> I ask because all the listserv messages I seem to receive are in text only,
> and I've never received one with an attachment.

It works fine, as long as the list isn't configured to reject attachments.
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech