On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Randy Ryan wrote:

> An interesting problem, since if one posts via the LISTSERV web interface,
> their lines are not wrapped either.
> Since virtually everything is using quoted printable or html formatting, I
> would still like to see LISTSERV autoconvert to plain text, as some mailers
> are capable of handling now.
> The NOHTML takes care of the later most times.
> (yes, everybody *should* use plain text, but if you want to maximize the use
> of a product, and it is apparant that the vast majority of the user base is
> using a different formatting method, I would consider it a good business
> practice to cator to the majority.)
> Before anybody digresses on the technical issues, since I run mainly
> disability related support lists, you are working with the lower common
> denominator in the scheme of things.  Also a population that takes least
> kindly to having to dink around to changing mailer configurations to address
> an issue they know nothing (or care) about.
> <rant off>

I have been running a Listserv almost since Eric Thomas first invented the
software, but I have never come across anyone with this request before. If
your subscribers have that need, just set your list's header to NOHTML and
you should be fine.